Sunday, July 12, 2009

Heartfelt Thanks

For the past few weeks, I have been following my passion by submitting more articles to Associated Content. I’ve had several more published! (See link below.) It has been quite an experience. I will definitely not get rich by writing for them, but each time I get an email saying they are making me an offer, I can’t help feeling thrilled and excited.

I’ve told so many of my friends and family members about my latest endeavor via phone and email. I even joined Facebook as a way to promote my writing. I’m thrilled by how supportive people are of my efforts. I have received many positive comments about my articles. It makes me feel very lucky and very grateful to have such wonderful people in my life.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Birthday USA!

It's the 4th of July and time to celebrate! The USA is 233 years old today.

Our country has been through a lot over the years. Things have been more than a little rough for the past couple of years, but we're a strong, hopeful and resilient nation filled with amazing people. We have to believe that things will improve and the country will bounce back stronger than ever.

Be sure to fly your flag today and take some time to think about the fact that we live in such a great country. Be thankful today, be careful today, and enjoy today!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Discovering Your Passion

I want to share something with everyone that I'm really excited about. It concerns my writing.

I've always enjoyed writing, but over the past two years, I seem to be enjoying it more and more. I believe I've finally discovered my passion in life. Actually, I would say, it's my second passion. My family will always be the thing I am most passionate about. My writing is more of a personal passion that I am getting more and more enthusiastic about.

A couple of years ago, I had some articles published in our local newspaper which was quite exciting and thrilling. This year, a card verse I wrote was chosen for the official 2009 Loveland Valentine card which was definitely thrilling. These events motivated me to pursue some online publishing options.

Most recently, I signed up with a writing site called Associated Content. I submitted my first article last week and found out a few days ago that they wanted to publish it. Needless to say, I'm quite excited about it.

Please check out my recently published content on AC:

Kids and Money: Teaching Your Kids About Loans

Let me know what you think. I’m submitting more articles and will update you if any more get published.

Now back to the subject of passion.

Take some time to think about what your passion might be. Make a list of things you like to do and are enthusiastic about. Think about what gives you the most joy in your life. Narrow down your list to two or three things and you just might discover your passion. Then do something about it. Make it your hobby or even your life's work. In other words, follow your passion!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

It's Dad's Day!

Today is Father’s Day.

First of all, I want to wish my husband a Happy Father’s Day. I’m thankful that he’s always been a great father to our three kids.

This is always a bittersweet day for me. My own father passed away over 30 years ago. I still miss him, but even more so on Father’s Day. I don’t think I ever truly let him know how much I appreciated him and how thankful I was that he was my Dad.

If you are lucky enough to have your father, make sure you let him know how much you love and appreciate him, especially today. Get in the habit of saying “I love you” to your Dad more than once a year and make sure to thank him for all the things he’s done for you.

And to all the fathers out there, Happy Father’s Day!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Food for Thought

On my way to work, I always pass by a church with a sign in front that has a different saying displayed each week. Sometimes the sayings are quite thought provoking, others bring a tear to my eye and some of the sayings make me smile or chuckle.

The words this week made me smile and chuckle out loud. The saying has come to my mind over and over, so needless to say it is also quite thought provoking.

The sign reads – “Need a lifeguard? Ours walks on water.”

Think about it. I guarantee it will make you smile and provide you with some food for thought.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wedding Memories

In a recent post, I brought up the fact that many couples get married in June. I know several couples with June anniversaries, so I’ve been reminiscing about weddings lately.

A beautiful, radiant bride comes to mind. She’s walking down the aisle with her proud father. She looks a little nervous at first, but then her eyes begin to sparkle and her face lights up with a smile as she sees her handsome groom waiting for her at the altar. Her father gives her away with a hug and kiss and everyone gets misty eyed.

As the couple recites their vows, they gaze lovingly into each others' eyes. Soon they are pronounced husband and wife. The newlyweds head back down the aisle to begin their new life together and everyone is filled with joy and happiness.

After the ceremony and picture taking, it’s time to celebrate! Guests arrive at the reception to congratulate the couple. Dinner is served, heartfelt toasts are made, and everyone gets misty eyed.

The guests watch as the bride and groom have their first dance. They start to dance, hesitantly at first, but soon they are gliding across the dance floor in perfect unison. They look so happy and so much in love. It is such a beautiful sight and once again, everyone gets misty-eyed.

The night flies by. The wedding cake has been cut. The bouquet and garter have been tossed. The dancing continues and everyone has a great time.

Does this sound like a typical wedding? Maybe it does, but I’m actually reminiscing about my daughter and son-in-law’s wedding because today is their anniversary. Three years have passed since their beautiful wedding, a day filled with the cherished memories described above.

My wish for them today is the same as it was on their wedding day, a lifetime of joy, happiness and love.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Picture Your Dream Vacation

Have you been dreaming about taking a vacation? Sometimes, just thinking and dreaming about a vacation can lift your spirits. Try it sometime. Think of a place you would love to visit. Then do a little research on it. There is so much information available in books and on the internet that you could spend hours reading about your dream vacation. Be sure to view some pictures too, because as the saying goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words."

Now it’s time for a little daydreaming. Give yourself a break from the stress and tension of the day. Let your brain take a mini vacation for a few moments. It's a lot cheaper than a full blown dream vacation and may be just enough to help get you through the day.

Try it. Close your eyes, relax, and let your mind wander. Visualize your dream vacation. Soon you'll start seeing swaying palm trees, sandy beaches, mountain vistas or whatever scene it takes to give yourself that picture perfect, instant vacation.

Enjoy your trip!